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  • #118772 Reply


    I tried to change my site title’s font and it made everything funky. The font size of the title won’t change at all – on the homepage it’s too big and on the other pages it’s too small. In addition, I can’t get the tagline to show anything other than a single lowercase a. What am I doing wrong?

    #119393 Reply
    Brandon C

    Hi Timothy,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with the font settings on your Crio Pro WordPress theme.
    Let’s try to troubleshoot this together.

    Firstly, let’s address the title font size issue. Please follow these steps:

    Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
    Navigate to Appearance > Customize.
    Click on “Design > Header > Site Title“.
    You should see the options to change the font size for your site title. Try to adjust it to your preference.
    Click “Publish” to save your changes.

    If the above steps don’t work, there might be some custom CSS that’s overruling these settings. Do you have any custom CSS added to your site?

    As for the tagline issue, it’s possible that the casing is set in the customizer as well. Try to edit your tagline by going to Design > Header > Tagline > and check the Text Transform dropdown to change the settings. Make sure to save the changes and clear your site’s cache if you have a caching plugin installed.

    Please let us know if the above solutions work for you. If you’re still experiencing issues, we’d be happy to help further. We may need some more information about your site, such as plugins you’re using or any customizations you’ve made.

    I really hope this helps Timothy!

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