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  • #118222 Reply
    Jacque Brund

    Hi, the photos at the top of the first page are not showing. Page was refreshed several times too. After 40 minutes on the phone with inmotion hosting, the agent could not correct it either and suggested it seemed sot be a Boldgrid issue and to contact you. Other pages are ok on the site , just the frist page is missing pics at top.

    Pictures show on the internet for both my websites but when I go to the backend to adjust or add pictures, there are many missing on in the Commercial link and on missing ones on the first page. I refreshed the page but still they do not show. Thankyou. Jacque Brund

    #118319 Reply
    Brandon C

    Hi Jacque,

    I think this might be a duplicate, were awaiting you’re response to this same question at this link here.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    #118333 Reply
    Jacque Brund

    Brandon, I think you may be on to something. Once only I was scrolling down and a copy below the same ones was showing for a split second and disappeared, barely a flash and gone.

    Pictures are now disappearing in the Commercial link on too.They are there on the internet though. This problem has shown up in the last few days. Is a plug in needed? Jacque

    #118387 Reply
    Brandon C

    Thanks Jacque,

    I agree that definitely seems odd. Have you already tried downloading the image from the host site and then uploading it directly to the “Media” section of your WordPress dashboard?

    It’s possible hosting the images locally on your WordPress site could clear up the issue.

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Reply To: Photos at the top of the first page are missing in my BoldGrid Post and Page Builder editor
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