Category: Post and Page Builder

Installing the Post and Page Builder

Obtaining the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder Plugin is a quick and easy process. The free plugin can be downloaded from the WordPress Repository, and...

Working with Fonts

With thousands of custom typography choices, the Post and Page Builder WordPress plugin gives you the ability to have complete control over font size, weight,...

Working with Icons

BoldGrid’s WordPress Page Builder gives you the ability to drag and drop Font Awesome Icons into your designs. The following guide will walk you through...

Adding and Saving BoldGrid Blocks

The Post and Page Builder design system is based on the concept of WordPress Blocks. A Block is a section of content. A Page can...

How to Use the Block Library

A WordPress Block is one of the sections that make up the content in the Post and Page Builder. Blocks can be chosen from within...

How to Use the Post and Page Builder

This article is a comprehensive guide on how to use the Post and Page Builder, a free WordPress Page Builder plugin. By the end of...