Author: Harry J

How to Implement Page Fragment Caching Exception...

When implementing a Page Fragment Caching Exception, you are telling W3 Total Cache to bypass cache for a particular section of content. A great use...

Achieve Ultimate WordPress Performance with W3...

We may be biased, but here at BoldGrid we believe that W3 Total Cache is the best WordPress caching plugin to help speed up your...

What is Brotli Compression and Why Do I Need It?

Compressing your WordPress website files is definitely something you can do to improve your sites performance. Traditionally, this is done with Gzip Compression as this...

Using Total Upkeep to Migrate WordPress for...

When you have a live website for your business, chances are that you do not want to make changes on that site in the case...

How to Configure Cloudflare in WordPress with W3...

What is CloudFlare? CloudFlare is one of the biggest networks in the world, having over 200 data center locations. It is  used by millions of...

Why Total Upkeep is the WordPress Backup Plugin...

Having a solid backup strategy is crucial to being successful online, because it provides the peace of mind that allows you to focus on your...