Author: Harry J

How to Enable W3 Total Cache Debug to...

When using WordPress and W3 Total Cache it can sometimes be a mystery to solve performance issues. Enabling debugging tools will provide HTML comments about...

Configuring W3 Total Cache with Stackpath for CDN...

One of the best ways to speed up your WordPress website is to add a CDN for your static assets such as images, Javascript and...

Configuring W3 Total Cache for WordPress with VPS...

This W3 Total Cache tutorial for WordPress is for those users that are already experienced with performance optimization. In this W3 Total Cache guide, we...

Configuring W3 Total Cache for WordPress with...

This guide is for those that are new to performance optimization, and we will explain how to test your site to see how these options...

How to Enable W3 Total Cache Debug Tool to...

Sometimes caching can be a mystery to end users and webmasters. In cases like this, W3 Total Cache Debug mode will give you detailed information...

Choosing a Fragment Caching Method for W3 Total...

Fragment Caching is similar to Object Caching, in that it assists in improving performance by reducing the total number of database queries required to generate...