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BoldGrid Crio provides tools to create many different styles for the footer. The default layout can be easily changed using the Customizer.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Footer → Layout

Pro Features

Crio Pro includes Custom Footer Templates with more customization options than the Customizer created footer. In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Footer →  Footer Templates to get started.

Create Your Footer Layout

Your Footer contains Sections made from the elements Branding (Logo, Title, and Tagline), Menus, Widget Areas, and Attribution Links. A Section is like a row in the Footer. Each Section can have a different number of elements and use a different container type. Use the 9 way directional arrows to align each element appropriately.

Clicking the red Trash icon next to an element will remove only that element, to remove the entire Section click the red Trash icon at the top of the Section panel.

For more information on working with widgets, please read this article.

Footer Container

You have options to put the Footer content in either a Fixed Width container or Full Width. This refers to the container the content resides in, allowing you to change your footer’s look and feel.


Pro Feature
Both BoldGrid and WordPress include credit attributions with links that state “Built with BoldGrid” and “Powered by WordPress” in the footer section.

  • Scroll down to the section labeled Attribution Control
  • Click the option to show or remove the attributions.

One thing to keep in mind is that the attribution element is always there, and you have to check the boxes to hide them, rather than delete the element.




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41 thoughts on “Customizing the Footer Design in BoldGrid Crio

    • Hi Luis, one way to center an image or text inside of your footer is to navigate to Appearance<< and create 3 widget columns then add your the image/text to the center column.

      • Nice workaround. I did that, but the image became too small. Is there a way to make the other two columns shorter, so the image on the center column can occupy more space?

  1. I added a text widget to my footer and I want it to be in the center. When I expand the options for “widget area” there are no alignment options. How can I get this widget centered in the footer?

    • Hi Becky-

      Probably the easiest way to accomplish this is to use the Visual Editor widget, which has buttons for left/center/right aligning your items. You can center normal text widgets with Custom CSS as well, but the specific CSS code to accomplish that could be unique to your website. If you’d like for us to help you out with any Custom CSS Rules, we’ll be happy to help if you can start a new Support Forum thread with a link to your site so we can take a look.

  2. How do I change the Site Title, font and size in the footer? I have tried modifying Main Text, Headings, and Site Title. None affect the site title font/size in the footer.

    • Hi Kate,

      Thanks for reaching out, sorry you’re having issues with the Site Title in the footer. I just replicated this problem and created a bug ticket with our development team. In the meantime, you can use code like this to change the appearance of the Site Title in your footer:

      .site-footer {
      font-size: 42px;
      font-family: 'Open Sans';

      Please put this custom CSS in the Customizer > CSS/JS Editor panel and let us know if you need any further assistance.


  3. Hi there!

    I have “Footer Social Icons” in my footer, but I see them only if I visit my website from my iPhone. I don’t see these icons and footer in Customizer nor if I visit my website from my laptop (I checked in Edge and Chrome). I have checked: there is no difference in settings for different devices, they are all the same. What am I missing? My website is


  4. Hi there,

    My footer has several rows including copyright test and social icons. I’m having an issue where all rows of the footer display correctly when logged in as admin, but only the social icons of the footer display in a regular browser window (when not logged in, or for regular users).

    I’m assuming there is a privacy setting someone turned on that I don’t know about, but I haven’t been able to find it yet. Any thoughts as to how I can get all the rows of the footer to display publicly? My site is

    Thanks 🙂

    • Hello,

      When I view your website I see 4 rows of content – social media links, copyright, a horizontal line, and then terms and conditions and other disclaimer links. You may have been viewing a cached version of the page that didn’t include recent updates, hopefully you can see all the lines now. Please let me know.


    • Hi Dan,

      Sorry to hear you’re having difficulty designing your footer. It’s tough to speculate what’s causing the black bar without being able to take a look. Can you share your Website URL so we can check it out? If you’re not comfortable sharing it publicly, create a forum post where you can share your URL privately with our team.


  5. How do I decrease the size of the widget padding? it’s huge and I don’t want it to be but there is nowhere to downsize it. I just want a line of text not a line of text with with giant spacing above and below it.

    • Hi Anne!

      You might be able to remove the padding and margins around the widgets in your footer with the following Custom CSS:

      .site-footer .widget {
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;

      Could you also send us a link to one of your pages that is displaying the unwanted padding and margins around the footer widget? I would like to get a better look at the page markup there to help create a feature request with our developers to add more controls for widget customization and any additional information I can get is greatly appreciated!

      We look forward to hearing back from you and please let us know if you have any additional questions for us!

      • As is the case with WP, there are so many ways to get to certain places, but alas I cannot find this place you’ve shown.

        I can’t include screencaps here, but I’m in Design > Footer but don’t see the UI you’ve shown.

        Under Appearance>Customize>Widgets>Footer Layout I see a + Widget Area but not a selection like you show.

        What am I missing?

        • Hi Mike-

          Sorry about that, I definitely skipped a step there. You’re right, you’ll first need to add the area with the + Widget Area button in the layout. Once an area exists, you’ll find it in the Customize > Widgets > Footer section, where you’ll see the Add a Widget button, and then you’ll see the list of widgets like my screenshot.

    • Hello Ann-

      You can add a contact form to your footer in Crio by using a Widget Area. In the Customize > Design > Footer > Layout screen, click on + Widget Area. Then, click on the Edit Sidebar button in your new Widget Area to add a weForms Widget, or the widget provided by your forms plugin.

    • Hi Greg-
      Probably the easiest way to make custom attribution links is to create a new menu in Customize > Menus, and then add that new menu to the footer in Customize > Design > Footer > Layout

      • I see how to make a Custom Menu but placing it in the footer isnt working. I only have options to add Secondary, Tertiary, or Quarternary menus. I dont see how to insert my new custom menu

        • Hi Greg-
          There’s two steps needed to insert your menu in the footer. First, navigate to Customize > Design > Footer > Layout and insert any one of those menus, Quaternary for example. Then, navigate to Customize > Menus and click on your custom menu. Now that the menu location has been added to the footer design, you’ll see the Menu Location checkbox available to assign the menu to that location in the footer.

  6. Can’t get rid of “Built with Boldgrid” in the footer?
    What a shame I spent an hour working with this template before I realized this.

    • Hello Chris-
      To remove “Built with BoldGrid” in Crio, navigate to Customize > Design > Footer > Layout and delete the section containing “Attribution Links.”

      • s4talkhosting says:

        How can we add footer vertical menu like with header Products and its sub menu, Tools and its sub menus and then about us and there details…

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