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Using the Customizer in BoldGrid Crio, you will have granular control over your Post Meta links, tag links, category links, read more, and comment links shown on the sites Blog Roll or Archives.

  • In the Dashboard, navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu, navigate to Design → Blog → Blog Page → Links

Post Meta

Post Meta includes the Post Date and Post Author. This information can be displayed on 1 line, 2 lines and positioned as needed. It can also be hidden entirely. The Post Date and Post Author can be hidden independently as well.

The Date Format is set to Human Readable by default. This means it will show the number of minutes, days, or years. The Date setting will show the traditional WordPress standard date display.

There is an option to show the Published or Modified date for posts. If you want the date the post was first published to show, use the default Published option. If you’d like to display a new date each time a post is updated, choose Modified.

The Date Link Color and Author Link Color can use the Global Color from Site Content or a Custom Palette Color. The Custom settings also change the Text and Hover Style.

With BoldGrid Crio you can customize how the Read More Links appear. The Text can be changed from Continue Reading to text of your choosing. This link can be displayed as one of two Button colors or be a plain Text Link. The Position of this link can also be adjusted.

Each Post can have 0 or many different Tags. These Tags can be Hidden if desired. The Tags can use the Global Color from Site Content or a Custom Palette Color. The Custom settings also change the Text and Hover Style.

The list of Tags also has an Icon to the left of the list. This Icon can be changed and there are different settings for if the Post has one Tag or multiple Tags.

Each Post can have 0 or many different Categories. These Categories can be Hidden if desired. The Categories can use the Global Color from Site Content or a Custom Palette Color. The Custom settings also change the Text and Hover Style.

The list of Categories also has an Icon to the left of the list. This Icon can be changed and there are different settings for if the Post has one Category or multiple Categories.

Each Post can have 1 or many different Categories. These Categories can be Hidden if desired. The Categories can use the Global Color from Site Content or a Custom Palette Color. The Custom settings also change the Text and Hover Style.




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10 thoughts on “Customizing your Blog Page Links with BoldGrid Crio

  1. Hello! My featured image is not a clickable link. How do I make the featured image click through to the blog post? Thank you!

    • Hi Torben, are you sure you are viewing your featured image from the blog post page? If you don’t mind starting a new Support Forum thread and including the URL to your blog page we could take a look at that for you.

  2. I am having a problem with Read More Links and a multilingual site. I use WMPL for translation and it works quite well. But I can’t manage to set different Texts for different languages. When I change to the second language, the Text of the Button is shown in the first language.

    This is very annoying, is there a solution?

    • Hi Mathias-

      Since WPML is a commercial plugin, I don’t have a copy to test it out. I’ve reached out to them so we can work together to make sure that our themes are compatible.

      That being said, this solution on the WPML Forums looks like it should work. You can search for the “Read More” string in the “crio” domain and set your translations in the WPML > Theme and Plugins Localization > Strings in the Theme menu.

  3. I am having problems changing the post meta color (date and author) on the post itself. I can change post meta on the blog pages in the design/blog pages/Links/Post Meta and in the blog previews but when I click on the post page the meta is the same color as the background.

    • Hi Mickey-
      The Meta Link color is controlled by the first Palette Color in the Customize -> Colors menu. Customize Color Palette in Crio
      Customizer controls for setting up a custom post meta color is a premium feature available in Crio Pro. You can also change these in your Customize -> CSS/JS Editor using a css rule similar to this:
      .post-meta a { color: black; }

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