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  • #114842 Reply

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    Howdy, KARME
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    WordPress 6.4 is available! Please update now.
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    Cron Log
    Filename Size Timestamp
    archive-1697159232.log 4 KB Oct 13, 2023 01:12 am
    retention-local.log 2 KB Nov 8, 2023 04:37 pm
    archive-1699461439.log 8 KB Nov 8, 2023 04:38 pm
    Thank you for creating with WordPress.Get Version 6.4

    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] PHP Version: 8.1.24
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] WordPress Version: 6.2.3
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.15.7
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] getpgid support: Available
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Backup process initialized.
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Backup process initialized.
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Process id: 2611866
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Starting dump of database…
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 15969344 (15.23 MB) / 45023528 (43 MB)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Database info: Array
    [mag_actionscheduler_actions] => 32
    [mag_actionscheduler_claims] => 0
    [mag_actionscheduler_groups] => 3
    [mag_actionscheduler_logs] => 94
    [mag_ce4wp_abandoned_checkout] => 0
    [mag_ce4wp_contacts] => 0
    [mag_commentmeta] => 0
    [mag_comments] => 0
    [mag_links] => 0
    [mag_mapp_maps] => 4
    [mag_mappress_maps] => 4
    [mag_mappress_posts] => 4
    [mag_options] => 996
    [mag_postmeta] => 1722
    [mag_posts] => 558
    [mag_revslider_css] => 109
    [mag_revslider_layer_animations] => 0
    [mag_revslider_navigations] => 0
    [mag_revslider_sliders] => 3
    [mag_revslider_slides] => 7
    [mag_revslider_static_slides] => 0
    [mag_sgpb_subscribers] => 0
    [mag_sgpb_subscription_error_log] => 0
    [mag_term_relationships] => 70
    [mag_term_taxonomy] => 52
    [mag_termmeta] => 0
    [mag_terms] => 52
    [mag_tm_taskmeta] => 0
    [mag_tm_tasks] => 0
    [mag_usermeta] => 74
    [mag_users] => 1
    [mag_vxc_zoho_accounts] => 0
    [mag_vxc_zoho_log] => 0
    [mag_wc_admin_note_actions] => 189
    [mag_wc_admin_notes] => 146
    [mag_wc_category_lookup] => 1
    [mag_wc_customer_lookup] => 0
    [mag_wc_download_log] => 0
    [mag_wc_order_coupon_lookup] => 0
    [mag_wc_order_product_lookup] => 0
    [mag_wc_order_stats] => 0
    [mag_wc_order_tax_lookup] => 0
    [mag_wc_product_attributes_lookup] => 0
    [mag_wc_product_download_directories] => 2
    [mag_wc_product_meta_lookup] => 0
    [mag_wc_rate_limits] => 0
    [mag_wc_reserved_stock] => 0
    [mag_wc_tax_rate_classes] => 2
    [mag_wc_webhooks] => 0
    [mag_wfblockediplog] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_api_keys] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_log] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_order_itemmeta] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_order_items] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_payment_tokens] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_sessions] => 1
    [mag_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_shipping_zones] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations] => 0
    [mag_woocommerce_tax_rates] => 0
    [mag_wpfm_backup] => 0
    [mag_yoast_indexable] => 105
    [mag_yoast_indexable_hierarchy] => 98
    [mag_yoast_migrations] => 26
    [mag_yoast_primary_term] => 11
    [mag_yoast_prominent_words] => 238
    [mag_yoast_seo_links] => 174

    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 15961000 (15.22 MB) / 45023528 (43 MB)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
    [2023-11-08 16:37:19 UTC] Retrieving file list.
    [2023-11-08 16:37:21 UTC] Retrieving backup directory.
    [2023-11-08 16:37:21 UTC] Adding Database to file list.
    [2023-11-08 16:37:21 UTC] Database dump file added to file list: /home/fbat65yt8ocf/boldgrid_backup/mykarme_db.20231108-163719.sql / 4664271 (4.45 MB)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:21 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: pcl_zip
    [2023-11-08 16:37:21 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 36683824 (34.98 MB) / 45023528 (43 MB)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:22 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:22 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:27 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:27 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:32 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:32 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:37 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:37 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:42 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:42 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:47 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:47 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:52 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:52 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:37:57 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:37:57 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:38:03 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:38:03 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:38:09 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:38:09 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:38:16 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:38:16 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:38:21 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:38:21 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:38:27 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:38:27 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2611866)
    [2023-11-08 16:38:36 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:38:36 UTC] Backup process running: No
    [2023-11-08 16:38:39 UTC] Last error: Array
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT already defined
    [file] => /home/fbat65yt8ocf/public_html/wp-config.php
    [line] => 171

    [2023-11-08 16:38:39 UTC] Backup process running: No

    #115330 Reply
    Brandon C

    Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for reaching out, sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your Total Upkeep backup but let’s see if we can help you out!

    Is this your first time attempting a backup with Total Upkeep? If not has anything changed on your WordPress site such as the update or addition of a new plugin or theme. Or an update to your WordPress core or PHP perhaps?

    One thing we suggest in these cases is running a sanity check backup to see if the site is allowing you to create backups at all on your server.

    The video below explains how to setup the sanity check:

    One more thing, occasionally, a conflict with another plugin can cause issues with backups. You can try deactivating other plugins to see if the problem persists.

    I hope this helps Jessica, we look forward to assisting you further!

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