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  • #110225


    I have recently converted all images on our website to WebP with the image service extension. It seems that it is not displaying all the images on Safari – I do not have the latest version of Safari with my computer which I read elsewhere that may be the problem, but I was under the impression, with the Image Service, that if a browser didn’t support WebP, then the original JPG or PNG files would be presented instead?

    Could you please advise?


    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Joe,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    Can you please share the page on which the specific images are not loading on Safari Browser?
    Once images are converted, the W3 Total cache is using a rewrite to serve images as webp. This is read as a content type on browsers.
    Safari does support webp, however, the problem may be with the encoding of the images and how those mages are added to the website.
    Please share the page so I can inspect this.


    Hi Marko,

    It is all images that have been converted which is 90% of them. If you visit homepage alone there is very little displaying.

    I am on an older version of Safari (Version 15.6.1) as my OS will not allow further updates – but I was under the impression that the image service would only try to display webp on browsers that support it? Otherwise the original files will display instead?

    Could you confirm?


    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Joe,

    The problem is with the version of the Safari. I’ve tested this on 17.0 and everything works as expected.
    The version you are using is more than a year old and it does not mean that it does not support webp, it just means that that version has some problems that were fixed later on with other updates


    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Joe,

    The problem is with the version of the Safari. I’ve tested this on 17.0 and everything works as expected.
    The version you are using is more than a year old and it does not mean that it does not support webp, it just means that that version has some problems that were fixed later on with other updates


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