BoldGrid » All Posts Mon, 04 Dec 2023 13:46:57 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Reply To: Comparing Dreamhost and BoldGrid]]> Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:40:57 +0000 Brandon C Hi Allyn!

Thanks for reaching out, yes there are several advantages to using DreamHost as your hosting provider in conjunction with BoldGrid tools. DreamHost, is one of our Premium WordPress Hosting Partners. Through this partnership they are able to provide an integrated BoldGrid experience for their users. This means that BoldGrid tools and plugins like Crio Pro WordPress theme and BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress come pre-installed and fully integrated with DreamHost’s hosting environment. This makes it easier for you to start building your website right away without having to install and set up everything yourself.

While BoldGrid provides the tools to create and manage your website, you’ll still need a hosting provider like DreamHost to make your website accessible to others on the internet. By using DreamHost, you have your hosting solution and website building tools (BoldGrid) in one place. This simplifies the process and makes managing your site easier.

Transferring Blog Post from a Non WordPress site

Yes, you can transfer blog posts from a non-WordPress website to a new WordPress installation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do it:

  1. Export content from your non-WordPress website: Depending on the platform of your current website, you might have an export option available. You’ll want to export your content into a XML, CSV, or similar file format.
  2. Import content into WordPress: WordPress has an inbuilt importer for various platforms like Blogger, Tumblr, LiveJournal, etc. You can find this under Tools > Import in your WordPress dashboard. If your platform isn’t listed, you can use a plugin like WP All Import or RSS Importer.

    For WP All Import, after installation and activation, go to “All Import” > “New Import”. Upload your XML/CSV file, set the elements to the appropriate WordPress fields (like post title, post content, etc.), and run the import.

    For RSS Importer, you’ll need your content in RSS format. After installation and activation, you can find the importer under Tools > Import > RSS. Upload your RSS file and run the import.

  3. Check your imported content: After the import, check your posts to ensure that all content has been imported correctly. Look out for any formatting issues or missing images.
  4. Redirect old URLs (if necessary): If your old and new website have different URL structures, you’ll want to set up redirects from your old URLs to the new ones to maintain your SEO ranking and to make sure any old links don’t break.

Please note that this process can vary greatly depending on the platform your non-WordPress website is using, so the steps might differ slightly. If you’re unsure, it might be best to hire a professional to assist you with this.

I hope this helps Allyn! If you have further questions for us, feel free to ask.
